“‘Mikki Gillette is one of Portland’s most revolutionary playwrights.”
“Gillette knew almost immediately that Nikki’s story was one she wanted to tell onstage, but it was a priority for her to strike the right balance and to show the full complexity of Nikki’s life.”
Oregon Arts Watch
Jody Read as Belinda and Ethan Fieder as Desiree in No More Candy. Photo by Greg Parkinson.
“Gillette has blazed her own path over the past decade or so, creating a veritable canon of plays that explore the spectrum of what it means to exist as a trans person in the 21st century.”
“Gillette’s knack for writing relatable, realistic and complex queer and trans characters is on full display.”
“Mikki is a bold playwright who creates these richly observed ensemble pieces that refuse to romanticize anyone while holding a real tenderness and care for everyone.”
“(Gillette’s) growing a solid audience of fans who appreciate not only her talent, but her dedication to telling stories of queer and trans peoples' lives.”
“It’s a robust work of pop art history, authentically delusional comedy and tender realism.”
“Mikki Gillette’s play Blonde on a Bum Trip is the feature persentation in this year’s OUTwright Theatre Festival.”
“Gillette is a playwright on the rise - in and out of the queer theater world.”
Cosmo Reynolds aa a Reporter and Ruby Welch as Candy Darling in Blonde on a Bum Trip. Photo by Greg Parkinson.
“1970s New York art celebs are Playwright Mikki Gillette’s Marvel Universe”
“Gillette is an award-winning trans woman playwright who was named one of Portland’s 25 most influential artists.”
“The play is a love letter to a piece of history that’s never been told in quite this way.”
“Gillette’s firsthand experience enriches the play’s in-depth portrayal of what occurs in queer youth centers all over the country.”
Johnathan Billington as Faeris and Dante Tirado Morales as Jess in They Them Their. Photo by Greg Parkinson.
“Gillette has been on a tear of late, not just with sheer volume of output but reaching new artistic heights. (She) is in her moment.”
“The play dramatizes (Nikki’s) story in a way that doesn’t pull punches.”
Maia McCarthy as Lisa and Naomi A. Jackson as Nikki in American Girl. Photo by Greg Parkinson.